Software verification is a critical step in the use of secure applications but it has traditionally been hard to provide, especially from a user experience perspective.

Usual solutions are:


    All our download mirrors use HTTPS, which is a good starting point.

    But HTTPS is not enough because we rely on mirrors hosted by third parties. They could serve malicious downloads to our users.

    HTTPS also doesn't protect from interrupted downloads that can lead to broken Tails installations.

  • OpenPGP signatures

    Unless the user knows how to verify the signing key through the OpenPGP Web of Trust, this technique ultimately relies on a correct download of the signing key and signature, and thus on HTTPS.

Tails provides 3 mechanisms for users to verify the image downloaded through a third party mirror, while relying on cryptographic information fetched from our website through HTTPS.

  1. JavaScript verification

    The main verification mechanism relies on JavaScript code on the download page. See below for more details.

  2. BitTorrent download

    The Torrent file downloaded through HTTPS from our website includes a checksum of the image. BitTorrent clients automatically verify this checksum when the download finishes.

  3. OpenPGP signature

    We provide an OpenPGP signature of our downloads.

Related documents

OpenPGP verification instructions

We removed the instructions to verify downloads with OpenPGP because:

  • Without advanced knowledge of OpenPGP, verifying with OpenPGP provides the same level of security as the JavaScript verification on the download page, while being much more complicated and error-prone.

  • None of our personas would have enough knowledge of OpenPGP to use the OpenPGP Web of Trust with confidence.

  • Providing basic (and never exhaustive) instructions has proven to be very time consuming to our help desk and technical writers. See #17900.

We still explain how to verify our signing key using the OpenPGP Web of Trust in the installation instructions from Debian, Ubuntu, or Mint using the command line and GnuPG because Debian derivatives come with trusted OpenPGP keys that can be used to create a path to our signing key.

Scope of the JavaScript verification


  • Provide a simple, automated, and cross-platform technique to verify USB and ISO images of the current version of Tails.

  • Allow verifying any current Tails image: downloaded over BitTorrent, copied from a friend, downloaded from one of our mirrors.

Non goals

  • Verify deprecated Tails images.

  • Verify Tails images downloaded from

Threat model

We are considering here an attacker who can:

  • [A] Provide a malicious Tails image to the user for example by operating a rogue Tails mirror.

  • [H] Operate a website that is loaded in a different tab in the same browser. This threat is taken care of by the internals of the browser and the proper coding of the JavaScript.

We are not considering an attacker who can:

  • [B] Do a man-in-the-middle attack by providing a rogue HTTPS certificate for signed by a certificate authority trusted by the browser but under the control of the attacker.

    Since the JavaScript verification is targeted at new users, a MitM or exploit on our website could defeat any verification technique by providing simplified instructions or by faking the verification.

  • [C] Insert malicious content on through an exploit on our website as this could trick new users to skip the Tails image verification all the way. To prevent this kind of attack we should instead:

    • Monitor externally the most relevant parts of our website.
    • Work on integrating full upgrades in Tails Upgrader to limit the number of times people have to rely on our website to upgrade. See #7499.
  • [D] Insert malicious information in our main Git repository as such an attacker could do attack [C] as well.

  • [E] Insert targeted malware in the user's computer or web browser as this could defeat any possible verification mechanism that such JavaScript can do.

    For example, we cannot protect from a malicious extension installed in the web browser.

  • [G] Insert malicious content on after taking control of the web server, or entire system, behind it. Such an attacker could do attack [C] as well but in such a way that could be much harder to detect (for example by serving malicious content only to some users).

  • [J] Provide a malicious copy of our website on a similar looking URL that could pretend that verification has succeeded without actually verifying anything.


Image description file

When verifying a Tails image, the JavaScript:

  1. Downloads an image description file (IDF) from:

    The IDF is served with the HTTP headers Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * to allow developers to test the verification locally from a file:/// URL.

  2. Verifies that the checksum of the image is present in the IDF.

Forge library

The JavaScript uses the Forge library to calculate the checksum.

We chose Forge because it was the fastest in this benchmark of JavaScript checksum implementations.

We cannot use the native SubtleCrypto.digest() API because it cannot read files as streams and would require loading the entire image in memory before computing its checksum.

We also rely on reading the image as a stream to display the progress bar, which is really important since the whole verification takes close to 1 minute.

Browser compatibility

  • Internet Explorer is not supported because our JavaScript uses the readAsBinaryString API.

  • Browsers without JavaScript are instructed to either enable JavaScript or compare the checksum.