This release fixes many security vulnerabilities. You should upgrade as soon as possible.

Changes and updates

  • Update Tor Browser to 9.0.10.

  • Add support for Universal 2nd Factor USB security keys.

  • Update the list of applications in the Favorites applications submenu.

    To make it easier for new users to discover some of the core features of Tails, we added Configure persistent volume, Tails documentation, WhisperBack Error Reporting, and Tails Installer and removed Terminal.

  • Change the input method for Japanese from Anthy to Mozc. (#16719)

    Keyboard menu ▸ Japanese (Mozc) ▸ Katakana

Known issues

None specific to this release.

See the list of long-standing issues.

Get Tails 4.6

To upgrade your Tails USB stick and keep your Persistent Storage

  • Automatic upgrades are available from Tails 4.2 or later to 4.6.

  • If you cannot do an automatic upgrade or if Tails fails to start after an automatic upgrade, please try to do a manual upgrade.

To install Tails on a new USB stick

Follow our installation instructions:

All the data on this USB stick will be lost.

To download only

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails 4.6 directly:

What's coming up?

Tails 4.7 is scheduled for June 2.

We need your help and there are many ways to contribute to Tails (donating is only one of them). Come talk to us!