Ci sono molti modi di contribuire a Tails. Nessuno sforzo è troppo piccolo e qualsiasi cosa tu faccia per questa comunità sarà apprezzata. Vai avanti e scopri come puoi fare la differenza in Tails.

Ways to contribute

Share your experience

Every user can help others or provide developers with useful information.


Donating speeds up the development of Tails.

Contribute your language skills


Good writers can make Tails accessible to more people.


Translators can allow more people around the world to use Tails.


Speakers can advocate Tails to all kinds of public.

Contribute your computer skills

Developer or maintainer

Software people with very diverse skills can improve Tails.

System administrator

System administrators can contribute to the infrastructure behind Tails.


Designers can make Tails easier to use and more appealing.

This section is only in English, because there is currently no way to contribute to Tails if you do not understand English.

Documentazione di riferimento

Strumenti per chi collabora

Ciclo di rilascio

Relazione tra upstream e derivate

Processo collettivo

Getting credits

We're ok with people getting credits for whatever contribution they did to Tails. Sometimes this is publicly available (for example: in issues, git history, etc.), in which case this is enough for us.

In some cases such info might not be publicly visible (for example: facilitation work done for meetings or data that was deleted for some reason). In this case, if the contributor so wish, we're ok with adding explicit public credit somewhere they can link to. If that's your case, please contact us.


Per discutere con altre persone che contribuiscono a Tails, iscriviti alle mailing list corrispondenti.