Tails 5.8 ist das wichtigste Release von Tails seit Jahren. Sie umfasst sowohl eine umfassende Neugestaltung bestehender Funktionen als auch wichtige Verbesserungen der Benutzerfreundlichkeit und erhöhte Sicherheit.

Diese Arbeit wurde durch Spenden von Nutzern wie Ihnen ermöglicht. Wenn Ihnen diese Änderungen gefallen und Sie mehr davon möchten, spenden Sie jetzt, um unsere Arbeit im Jahr 2023 zu unterstützen.

Spenden Sie jetzt, um unsere Arbeit im Jahr 2023 zu unterstützen.

Neue Funktionen

Neuer persistenter Speicher

After 2 years of hard work, we are extremely proud to present you a complete redesign of the Persistent Storage.

The Persistent Storage hasn't changed much since its first release in 2012 because the code was hard to modify and improve. But, we learned from users that the Persistent Storage could do a lot more for you if it had more features and was easier to use.

  • You don't have to restart anymore after creating the Persistent Storage or each time you activate a new feature.

  • You can change the password of your Persistent Storage from this new application.

  • Sie können direkt vom Willkommensbildschirm aus einen persistenten Speicher erstellen, wenn Sie noch keinen haben.

Wayland and better Unsafe Browser

Wir haben das veraltete X.Org-Anzeigesystem durch Wayland ersetzt.

Auch wenn Sie keinen visuellen Unterschied bemerken, bringt Wayland mehr Sicherheitstiefe für Tails, indem es es einer kompromittierten Anwendung in Tails erschwert, eine andere Anwendung zu kompromittieren oder missbräuchlich zu nutzen.

For example, since Tails 4.8, the Unsafe Browser was disabled by default because a security vulnerability in another application in Tails could start an invisible Unsafe Browser, reveal your IP address, and deanonymize you.

Wayland fixes this vulnerability and makes it safe to reenable the Unsafe Browser by default. You can still disable the Unsafe Browser in the Welcome Screen.

Wayland also brings in other features that were not working yet in the Unsafe Browser:

  • Sound - Uploads and downloads - Alternative input methods for Chinese and other non-Latin languages - Accessibility features like the screen reader and virtual keyboard

QR code scanning of Tor bridges

We made it easier to enter new Tor bridges in Tails by scanning a QR code.

To get a QR code, you can either:

We are aware that the QR codes that are currently provided are too big to be easy to scan. We are working with Tor to make them smaller and easier to scan.

Änderungen und Aktualisierungen

  • Update Tor Browser to 12.0.1.

  • Update Thunderbird to 102.6.0.

  • Update Tor auf

  • Entfernen Sie die grafische Texteingabeanwendung Dasher.

Behobene Probleme

We fixed 3 usability issues in the Tor Connection assistant:

  • Display a percentage on the connection progress bar. (#19208)

  • Fix links to documentation. (#19172)

  • Add a Bridge label in front of the line to enter a custom bridge. (#19169)

Für weitere Details lesen Sie bitte unser changelog.

Bekannte Probleme

If you are facing some of these issues, try downgrading to Tails 5.7. To do so:

Problems with Qt applications like Kleopatra and Feather

Applications using the Qt toolkit have issues in Wayland. You can work around these issues by running these applications using XWayland instead.

Clipboard encryption and decryption is broken in Kleopatra (#19329)

To fix this:

  1. Choose Applications ▸ Utilities ▸ Terminal to open a terminal.

  2. Execute the following command in the terminal:

    unset QT_QPA_PLATFORM & kleopatra &

    This only works if Kleopatra has never been started since Tails started. Otherwise, execute this command and try again:

    killall kleopatra

AppImages like Feather wallet and Bitcoin-Qt fail to load (#19326)

To fix this:

  1. Navigate to your AppImage in the Files browser.

  2. Do right-click (on Mac, click with two fingers) in the folder and choose Open in Terminal.

  3. Execute the following command in the terminal to start your AppImage.

    Ersetzen Sie:

    • application.AppImage by the file name of your AppImage.

    unset QT_QPA_PLATFORM ; ./application.AppImage

    For example, to start the Feather wallet version 2.1.2, execute:

    unset QT_QPA_PLATFORM ; ./feather-2.1.2.AppImage

Some graphics cards stopped working in Tails 5.8 (#19353)

People have reported us several graphics cards that used to work in Tails 5.7 and stopped working in Tails 5.8:

  • Nvidia
    • 10de:0a70 GeForce 310M
    • 10de:1f82 GeForce GTX 1650: this is fixed in Tails 5.9
    • 10de:220a RTX 3080
    • 10de:2482 GA104 GeForce RTX 3070 Ti
    • 10de:2486 GA104 GeForce RTX 3060 Ti: this is fixed in Tails 5.9
    • 10de:2488 RTX 3070: this is fixed in Tails 5.9
    • 10de:2489 RTX 3060 Ti
    • 10de:24dc GA104M GeForce RTX 3080 Mobile
    • 10de:2504 RTX: this is fixed in Tails 5.9
    • 10de:2560 GA106M GeForce RTX 3060 Mobile
    • GeForce RTX 3060 Ti Founders Edition: this is fixed in Tails 5.9
    • 10de:25e0
  • Intel
    • 8086:0046 Core Processor Integrated Graphic Controller
      • This will be fixed in Tails 5.9 with an update of the Linux kernel.
    • 8086:0a16 Haswell-ULT Integrated Graphics Controller
    • 8086:1916 Skylake GT2
    • 8086:3185 GeminiLake (UHD Graphics 600)
    • 8086:4690
    • 8086:4692 UHD Graphics 730
    • 8086:46a6 Alder Lake-P
    • 8086:46a8
    • 8086:4e55
      • To fix this, add the i915.force_probe=4e55 boot option.
    • 8086:4e71
    • 8086:5917
    • 8086:8a56
      • To fix this, add the i915.force_probe=8a56 boot option.
  • AMD
    • 1002:1506
    • 1002:15e7
    • 1002:6605 Radeon R7 M260X
    • 1002:6649 Bonaire FirePro W5100
    • 1002:73df RX Radeon 6700XT (Navi 22)
    • 1002:73ff Navi 23
    • 1002:743f RX 6400
  • If the error message lists multiple graphics cards:
    • If possible, plug the monitor into the motherboard's Intel graphics card, as opposed to the external Nvidia or AMD/ATI graphics card.
    • Explicitly select one of the two graphics adapters in the BIOS instead of letting the system choose one automatically. If this does not solve the problem, try selecting the other graphics adapter.
    • Add the nouveau.modeset=0 boot option. This will force the system to use your other graphics cards, instead of the NVIDIA one.

These graphics card probably don't work as good on Wayland as they used to work on X.Org.

Unfortunately, we have no solution to offer you so far.

We hope that this gets fixed in the next update of the Linux kernel, maybe in Tails 5.9.

Persistent Storage fails to load with symbolic links in Dotfiles (#19346)

If you have symbolic links in the Dotfiles feature of your Persistent Storage, your Persistent Storage fails to load with the error message:

Failed to activate the Persistent Storage.
Please start Tails and send an error report.

To fix this, remove or replace these symbolic links.

The following instructions explain how to access the content of your Persistent Storage.

  • When starting Tails:

    1. Do not unlock your Persistent Storage.

    2. Set an administration password.

  • In Tails, unlock your Persistent Storage:

    1. Choose Applications ▸ Utilities ▸ Disks.

    2. In the Disks utility, select your Tails USB stick in the left pane.

    3. Select the TailsData LUKS partition in the right pane.

    4. Click the Unlock selected encrypted
partition button.

    5. Enter the passphrase of your Persistent Storage.

    6. In the second password prompt, enter your administration password.

    7. Click the TailsData Ext4 that appeared below the TailsData LUKS partition.

    8. Click the Mount selected

    9. Close the Disks utility.

  • Navigate to the content of your Persistent Storage:

    1. Choose Applications ▸ System Tools ▸ Root Terminal to open a terminal with administration rights.

    2. Execute the following command to open the Files browser with administration rights:

    3. In the Files browser, navigate to /media/amnesia/TailsData/dotfiles.

      Remove or replace all symbolic links in the dotfiles folder.

      Symbolic links have the following icon:

    4. Restart Tails and try unlocking your Persistent Storage like usually.

Tor Browser has no minimize and maximize buttons (#19328)

To work around this:

  1. Right-click on the Tor Browser tab in the window list at the bottom of the screen.

  2. Choose Minimize or Maximize.

Begrüßungsbildschirm und Tor-Verbindung passen nicht auf 800×600 (#19324)

Der obere Bereich des Begrüßungsbildschirms und einige Schaltflächen des Tor-Verbindungsassistenten sind auf kleinen Bildschirmen (800×600), wie z.B. in virtuellen Maschinen, abgeschnitten.

You can press Alt+S to start Tails.

Switches of the Persistent Storage settings are very slow sometimes (#19291)

The switches that turn on and off the different features of the Persistent Storage are very slow to respond on some USB sticks. Please report on #19291 if this happens to you.

Progress bar of Tor Connection gets stuck around 50% (#19173)

When using a custom Tor obfs4 bridge, the progress bar of Tor Connection sometimes gets stuck halfway through and becomes extremely slow.

Um dies zu beheben, können Sie entweder:

  • Close and reopen Tor Connection to speed up the initial connection.

  • Try a different obfs4 bridge.

    This issue only affects outdated obfs4 bridges and does not happen with obfs4 bridges that run version 0.0.12 or later.

Siehe die Liste der Altlasten.

Get Tails 5.8

So aktualisieren Sie Ihren Tails USB-Stick und behalten Ihren dauerhaften Speicher

  • Automatic upgrades are available from Tails 5.0 or later to 5.8.

    Sie können die Größe des Downloads von zukünftigen automatischen Upgrades reduzieren, indem Sie ein manuelles Upgrade auf die neueste Version durchführen.

  • Wenn Sie kein automatisches Upgrade durchführen können oder wenn Tails nach einem automatischen Upgrade nicht startet, versuchen Sie bitte ein manuelles Upgrade.

So installieren Sie Tails auf einem neuen USB-Stick

Folgen Sie unserer Installationsanleitung:

Der persistente Speicher auf dem USB-Stick geht verloren, wenn Sie installieren statt ein Upgrade durchzuführen.

Nur herunterladen

If you don't need installation or upgrade instructions, you can download Tails 5.8 directly: