Um den persistenten Speicher zu konfigurieren, wählen Sie Anwendungen ▸ Tails ▸ Persistenter Speicher.

Seit Tails 5.8 (Dezember 2022) werden Ihre Daten zu jedem Feature des persistenten Speichers sofort auf dem USB-Stick gespeichert. Sie müssen Tails nicht mehr neu starten, nachdem Sie eine neue Funktion aktiviert haben.

Wenn Sie beispielsweise die Tor-Browser-Lesezeichenfunktion des persistenten Speichers aktivieren, werden Ihre aktuellen Lesezeichen sofort im persistenten Speichers gespeichert.

Only the features that are listed below can currently be made persistent.

We are often asked to implement new features of the Persistent Storage: Tor Browser preferences, Tor configuration, desktop background, mouse and touchpad settings, and so on. See the list of issues about the Persistent Storage in our GitLab.

Personal Documents

Persistent Folder

When the Persistent Folder feature is turned on, you can save your personal files and working documents in the Persistent folder.

To open the Persistent folder, choose Places ▸ Persistent.

Tor Browser can only access the Tor Browser subfolder in the Persistent folder. You can only save your downloads to the Persistent/Tor Browser folder. To upload a file, you must copy it to the Persistent/Tor Browser folder first.

System Settings

Welcome Screen

Wenn die Funktion des Willkommensbildschirms aktiviert ist, werden die Einstellungen des Willkommensbildschirm im Persistenzspeicher gespeichert: Sprache, Tastatur und zusätzliche Einstellungen.

To restore your settings when starting Tails, unlock your Persistent Storage in the Welcome Screen.


When the Printers feature is turned on, the configuration of the printers is saved in the Persistent Storage.



When the Network Connections feature is turned on, the password for Wi-Fi networks and configuration of wired networks are saved in the Persistent Storage.

Tor Bridge

Wenn die Tor-Bridge-Funktion aktiviert ist, wird die letzte Tor-Brücke, die Sie erfolgreich verwendet haben, um eine Verbindung zu Tor herzustellen, im Persistent Storage gespeichert.


Tor Browser Bookmarks

Wenn die Lesezeichen-Funktion im Tor-Browser aktiviert ist, werden Änderungen an den Lesezeichen in Tor Browser im dauerhaften Speicher gespeichert.

Electrum Bitcoin Wallet

When the Electrum Bitcoin Wallet feature is turned on, the bitcoin wallet and preferences of the Electrum bitcoin client are saved in the Persistent Storage.

Thunderbird Email Client

Wenn die Thunderbird E-Mail-Client-Funktion aktiviert ist, werden die E-Mails, Feeds und OpenPGP-Schlüssel im Thunderbird E-Mail-Client im Persistenten Speicher gespeichert.


When the GnuPG feature is turned on, the OpenPGP keys that you create or import in GnuPG and Kleopatra are saved in the Persistent Storage.

Since Tails 4.13 (November 2020), Thunderbird uses its own OpenPGP keyring, different from the keyring used by GnuPG and Kleopatra. You don't need to enable the GnuPG feature anymore if you only use OpenPGP encryption in Thunderbird.

Pidgin Internet Messenger

Wenn die Pidgin Internet Messenger-Funktion aktiviert ist, werden alle Konfigurationsdateien des Pidgin-Internetmessengers im Persistent Storage gespeichert:

  • Die Konfiguration Ihrer Konten, Kontakte und Chats

  • Ihre OTR-Schlüssel für Verschlüsselung sowie Ihr Schlüsselbund

Der Inhalt der Konversationen wird nicht gespeichert, es sei denn, Sie konfigurieren Pidgin dazu, es zu tun.

All the configuration options are available from the graphical interface of Pidgin. You don't need to manually edit or overwrite the configuration files.

SSH Client

When the SSH Client feature is turned on, all the files related to the Secure Shell (SSH) client are saved in the Persistent Storage:

  • Die SSH-Schlüssel, die Sie erstellen oder importieren

  • Die öffentlichen Schlüssel der Hosts, zu denen Sie sich verbinden

  • Die SSH Konfiguration in /home/amnesia/.ssh/config

Advanced Settings

Additional Software

When the Additional Software feature is turned on, a list of additional software of your choice is automatically installed every time you start Tails.

The corresponding software packages are stored in the Persistent Storage. They are automatically upgraded for security after a network connection is established.

The packages included in Tails are carefully tested for security. Installing additional packages might break the security built in Tails, so be careful with what you install.

Versteckte Konfigurationsdateien

When the Dotfiles feature is turned on:

  • All the files in the /live/persistence/TailsData_unlocked/dotfiles folder are linked in the Home folder using Linux symbolic links.

  • All the files in subfolders of /live/persistence/TailsData_unlocked/dotfiles are also linked in the corresponding subfolder of the Home folder using Linux symbolic links.

  • A shortcut is provided in the left pane of the Files browser and in the Places menu in the top navigation bar to access the /live/persistence/TailsData_unlocked/dotfiles folder.

Zum Beispiel, das Vorhandensein der folgenden Dateien in /live/persistence/TailsData_unlocked/dotfiles:

├── file_a
├── folder
│   ├── file_b
│   └── subfolder
│       └── file_c
└── emptyfolder

Erzeugt dies folgendes Ergebnis in /home/amnesia:

├── file_a → /live/persistence/TailsData_unlocked/dotfiles/file_a
└── folder
    ├── file_b → /live/persistence/TailsData_unlocked/dotfiles/folder/file_b
    └── subfolder
        └── file_c → /live/persistence/TailsData_unlocked/dotfiles/folder/subfolder/file_c

The Dotfiles feature only links specific files, and not entire folders, from the Persistent Storage. Accordingly, empty folders are ignored, as shown in the above example.

On Tails and Linux in general, the name of configuration files often starts with a dot and are sometimes called dotfiles for this reason. The Dotfiles feature of the Persistent Storage makes it easy to persist such "dotfiles", for example /home/amnesia/.gitconfig or /home/amnesia/.bashrc.

Be careful if you use the Dotfiles feature to overwrite the default settings.

The programs included in Tails are carefully configured with security in mind. You can weaken your security if you change the defaults.

The anonymity of Tor and Tails relies on making it harder to distinguish one Tails user from another. In some cases, changing the default settings can break your anonymity.

Die Konfiguration Ihrer Bildschirme sichern

Falls Sie mehr als einen Bildschirm (zum Beispiel zwei Monitore oder einen Projektor) haben, können Sie die Konfiguration Ihrer Bildschirme mithilfe der Dotfiles-Funktion sichern.

  1. Turn on the Dotfiles feature and restart Tails.

  2. Choose Applications ▸ System Tools ▸ Settings to open the Settings utility.

  3. Choose Displays in the Settings utility.

  4. Konfigurieren Sie Ihre Bildschirme.

  5. Choose Places ▸ Dotfiles to open the /live/persistence/TailsData_unlocked/dotfiles folder in the Files browser.

  6. Click the Main Menu button in the title bar and turn on the option Show Hidden Files.

  7. Erstellen Sie einen Ordner mit dem Namen .config (config mit vorangestelltem Punkt).

  8. Kopieren Sie die Datei .config/monitors.xml aus Ihrem Home-Ordner nach /live/persistence/TailsData_unlocked/dotfiles/.config.

Löschen der Daten zu einem Feature

When you turn off a feature of the Persistent Storage:

  • The data of the feature is not available anymore in Tails.

    For example:

    • If you turn off the Persistent Folder feature, the documents saved in Places  ▸ Persistent are not available anymore.

    • If you turn off the Electrum Bitcoin Wallet feature, the wallet used by Electrum is not available anymore.

  • The data of the feature is still saved in the USB stick.

    A Delete Data button appears in the setting of the feature.

    • Click the Delete Data button to delete the corresponding data from the USB stick.

    • Turn on the feature again to restore the data and make it available in Tails again.