Si usas el administrador de contraseñas KeePassXC puedes:

  • Almacenar muchas contraseñas en una base de datos cifrada que está protegida por una sola frase contraseña de tu elección.

  • Usar siempre contraseñas distintas, ya que sólo tienes que recordar una sola frase contraseña para desbloquear toda la base de datos.

  • Generate very strong random passwords.

  • Generate one-time verification codes for two-factor authentication.

For more detailed instructions on how to use KeePassXC, refer to the official KeePassXC User Guide.

Creating and saving a password database

Sigue estos pasos para crear una nueva base de datos de contraseñas y guardarla en el Almacenamiento Persistente para usarla en las siguientes sesiones de trabajo.

To learn how to create a Persistent Storage, read our documentation on the Persistent Storage.

  1. When starting Tails, unlock the Persistent Storage.

  2. In Tails, choose Applications ▸ Persistent Storage.

  3. Verify that the Persistent Folder feature is turned on.

  4. To start KeePassXC, choose Applications ▸ Accessories ▸ KeePassXC.

  5. To create a new database, click Create new database.

  6. Continue with the defaults settings in the configuration screens General Database Information and Encryption Settings.

  7. The database is encrypted and protected by a passphrase. In the configuration screen Database Credentials:

    • Specify a passphrase of your choice in the Enter password text box.
    • Type the same passphrase again in the Confirm password text box.
    • Click Done.
  8. Save the database as Passwords.kdbx in the /home/amnesia/Persistent folder.

Restoring and unlocking the password database

Sigue estos pasos para desbloquear la base de datos guardada en el Almacenamiento Persistente en una sesión anterior.

  1. When starting Tails, unlock the Persistent Storage.

  2. In Tails, choose Applications ▸ Accessories ▸ KeePassXC.

  3. If you have a database named Passwords.kdbx in your Persistent folder, KeePassXC automatically displays a dialog to unlock that database.

    Enter the passphrase for this database and click Unlock.

  4. If you enter a wrong passphrase the following error message appears:

    Error while reading the database: Invalid credentials were provided, please try again.

Storing your KeePassXC settings in the Persistent Storage

To store your KeePassXC settings in the Persistent Storage, in addition to the password database:

  1. Turn on the Dotfiles feature of the Persistent Storage.

  2. In the Welcome Screen, unlock the Persistent Storage.

  3. In Tails, choose Places ▸ Dotfiles.

  4. Create the folder /live/persistence/TailsData_unlocked/dotfiles/.config/keepassxc/.

  5. Copy the file /home/amnesia/.config/keepassxc/keepassxc.ini to /live/persistence/TailsData_unlocked/dotfiles/.config/keepassxc/keepassxc.ini.

  6. Restart Tails before changing more settings.

Using KeePassXC as an authenticator app for two-factor authentication

Many websites offer two-factor authentication as a safer method than using just a password. For example, you can configure an authentication app, like Google Authenticator, to generate a one-time code of 6 digits when signing in to a website.

You can use KeePassXC to generate such one-time codes in Tails. The technology used to generate these codes is called time-based one-time password (TOTP).

To configure two-factor authentication for an entry in your KeePassXC database:

  1. Click on the entry of your database for which you want to configure two-factor authentication.

  2. Choose Entries ▸ TOTP ▸ Set up TOTP….

For more detailed instructions, see Adding TOTP to an Entry in the official KeePassXC User Guide.

After two-factor authentication is configured for an entry, choose Entries ▸ TOTP ▸ Show TOTP to generate a one-time code for this entry.